MY YEAR 2004

Two Thousand and Four. Another milestone....

After spending two years in the province, turning down two job opportunities (one in a rural bank and one in a government office) I decided to go back to the city. 

My parents thought I was mad for refusing two wonderful jobs, but I felt life would be totally miserable if I would remain in a remote place where luck equates madness.

Traveling back to the city gave me hope and freedom. It felt as though my spirit had a total make-over and my self-esteem regained its lost magic. A former colleague and good friend, Helen Montero, was generous enough to welcome me into her home. Finally, I landed a job in a travel placement company with a boss I often described as impossibly arrogant and rude, less than two months later, I quit.

I spent Valentine's Day with my former colleagues dining until the wee hours. It was truly liberating, we hopped from one restaurant to another. Then came April. The month I dreadfully described as revolting. It was not a pleasing month, oh, not when I saw my age breathe a new era.

I ended up going home. But we had a fantastic Christmas and New Year celebration in the house.


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