Celebrating the Beatification of the Great Pope

Blessed Pope John Paul II

Today marks the beatification of the great Pope, John Paul II, whose amazing life on earth became the source of inspiration to many people. Me, too, always drew inspiration and strength from him, praying to God and Mother Mary fervently through the late pope's intercession for most of the troubles and despair I felt in my life. I felt great after making such prayer in his name. I know how close he is to God and Mother Mary now.
Watch the story of Pope John Paul II's life-Part I
Part II
Part III

I grew up admiring his image, back in my childhood years, I thought he was God. He became my favorite world's figure and dreamed to see him in person, until one day, news of his date spread the world and made me so sad.

Now, he will be raised to the altar and declared Blessed, the last step for canonization. Today, nothing more important than hearing him one day becoming a saint.


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