What could be more refreshing than combining Crepe and Gelato? A perfect mouthwatering dessert!
Non-fattening concoction. Crepe plus Gelato with cereals and other toppings drizzled with fruit syrup and whipping cream. This one plate costs P100.00

Gorging this unique Italian-style concoction is such a fantastic way to combat stress!So last night I had a great Crepelato moment with Kathy at NCCC mall branch. After our dinner---Mongolian Barbeque + Rice and Longanisa + Rice (also at Crepelato)---we moved to a couch and relaxed with one plate and another plate of Crepelato!

I originally wanted Almond Banana Split topping but it was not available so I picked the mango float mixture and it tastes wonderful, I mean the ice cream is so different from the ordinary ice cream I tasted. Gelato is such a natural cooler, not sugary nor too creamy, and it is not easily melt even if you take it leisurely while busy talking to friends.

Such a yummy dessert!The crepe float I and Kathy ordered

I chose only one scoop with crepe. One order is enough already because it is bulky plus it has delectable toppings of cereals and other sweets drizzled with fruit syrup!Crepelato also offers unlimited scoops for P199.00. They are serving gelato in Belgian waffle cones or cups, crepe float and pastries.

Crepelato is very different from other chilling dessert I tasted ever, it has a very unique and oh so delicious the crepe is so fantastic. I think this is one of my frustrations---cooking a perfect crepe in life haha!---I tried preparing a crepe one Christmas (2004) because I was so excited to present a Peach Crepe dessert to my family, but to my chagrin, the crepe I dedicatedly cooked turned like a complete pudding that my two cousins and one Aunt laughed hardly during our Noche Buena meal and asked me what the hell I was cooking! The crepe messed up with the syrupy Peach I stuffed inside, haha!^____^

But I am not losing hope that one day I could be able to cook a perfect crepe!So maybe I have to visit Crepelato one more time and take note with the crepes..hehe!

Hmmm and that "one more time" will happen later this afternoon (sooo fast!hehe) as I will going back to Crepelato with three friends, this time, we agreed to go to Mayon outlet because the place is nicer, quieter and more relaxing. Additional Crepelato photos tomorrow!


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