Happy Weekend!

This sounds strange, but since reading the poll result of Happy Planet Index which named Philippines as the 14th happiest nation in the world in terms of life satisfaction, life expectancy and environmental footprints, it feels like there’s something to celebrate of being a Filipino.

Oh yes, despite the nail-biting economic crisis, political turmoil, flood and insurgencies in the country, the never ending anxiety of what’s-coming-ahead and some hidden disappointments, my happy disposition remains unaffected, most of the time, my life seems happier and exciting and more fascinating everyday, yaaay! (expression I got from Bianca Gonzales,hehe). I mean why focus on things I cannot control when there is one side of life which offers great promises for a brighter day?

 Hmmm..okay, so what made my weekend Happy?

--Well, today is my parents' wedding anniversary . I always remember this very important day of my parents’ union since I was 9 years old. My mother once said I have a very sharp memory because of my unique ability to remember even the most complicated detail of anything: name of a person I met in the past, passing events in the community, labels in every bottle I read, all important anniversary dates in the family, from weddings to birthdays to death.

--Happy to read news update about Steve Jobs. I know he is currently battling a deadly disease, neuroendocrine cancer, but Apple’s top executives never actually released official statements about his real condition. His surprise appearance last Monday, June 6, at the conference where he unveiled a new software, iCloud, and synching service of Apple, was somewhat a great relief.

--After watching “Pirates of the Silicon Valley”, a 1999 film which narrates the true stories of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, how they came up with their inventions and how they founded Apple and Microsoft respectively, I searched several video files on twin interviews of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet and the latter’s advice how to read Stocks accurately!

--Started one healing habit I fetched from my friend, Helen, through Bo Sanchez’s newsletter. The pure calamansi juice intake every morning in an empty stomach, at first my system reacted terribly, but on the succeeding days, everything went smoothly. This ritual detoxifies the body effectively and one week after I started this healing habit, my skin looks brighter and lighter.hmmm!

--An online ad client finally paid me for working one task with them.

--For the past days I was restless due to the fact that I will be having a Saturday morning class at the graduate school, but yesterday a classmate informed me that they are working on a request to transfer the schedule to Tuesday night, solving my dilemma. Hehe!

Lots of reasons to celebrate, lots of reasons to stay positive and enjoy life to the fullest


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