That Email is a Hoax!--John Hopkins

Just this morning, I read a forwarded email from a friend about this article of a certain doctor telling that cancer is just a disease of the mind, I almost believe especially when he claimed he has a PhD an MD and God knows what else...but when I scrolled down and read about John Hopkins Medical Center publishing an article called "Cancer Update"..I begin to doubt.

You know why?Well, because, I know JHMC, I read things about this very prestigious hospital and its fantastic credibility all through out these years. They built their reputation around reliable research studies, they have researchers and resident doctors with remarkable backgrounds.

JHMC is located in Baltimore, Maryland, USA and consistently included in the top 10 rank of the best hospitals in the world. Dr. Ben Carson, world renowned pediatric neurosurgeon and best-selling author (Take The Risk, Gifted Hands, etc.) is one of their in-house doctors. So when I read about this cancer update thing, I was suspicious, so I immediately browse the official site of John Hopkins and yaaay!I read their warning about that circulated email from that unknown man claiming he is a doctor..gosh!

According to John Hopkins that cancer update email is a Hoax!!The hospital did not publish that information nor authorized any person to do such thing. Another hoax email that deliberately claimed it came from John Hopkins was the email circulated in 2004 about plastic containers, wrap, bottles claiming that heat releases dioxin causing cancer.

Moral lesson: NEVER, NEVER believe right away with these forwarded emails and please stop forwarding it if you are unsure where it came from or if it is not supported with a credible research study from a reputable institution. If the contents are not verified then stop circulating it, chances are, it might give more damages to other people, instead of helping them solve worries, especially about diseases in life, it might even worsen the condition.

These people who initiated these hoax emails are just trying to circulate a black propaganda about a certain organization or just trying to dupe us to believe about something with reasons I cannot understand. So please never allow your self to be deceived with this false information.

Be responsible and try to verify the sources first (especially when it comes to health topics) before spreading the information. Thank you...

Read the warning of John Hopkins Medical Center about this hoax email HERE


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