Steve Jobs died yesterday

....And my world temporarily stopped.

I've been closely following Steve Jobs for several years now, his story, his inventions, his unique management style and techniques. 

I admired how he managed Apple and how he  led it to greatness and stability. He was such a huge influence and his business principles are worthy to be studied. Under his leadership, Apple Incorporated became the World's Most Admired Company.

When I read the news of his death this morning, it felt like someone very close to me had died too. 

You know when you admired someone and had been following his life for almost half a decade, you will develop this sort of attachment and sympathy that death seemed a terrible word to hit the world. Jobs was one of the fewest world's billionaires whom I showed so much interest on. I'd read numerous articles about him.

This is really a bad day. I did not take my lunch. I just ate bread and one cup of green tea. It felt like my appetite was shut. Jobs passed away yesterday, October 5, after a long battle of pancreatic cancer. Read my full story about him HERE


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