20 Things About Me

Okay. I am officially bored. But far from sad hehe!

And when I am bored I just want to update my blogs, posting entries endlessly, confiding emotions, sharing what's on my mind to get me through the day without being cranky. 

Today is another day. 

Wow! Days are moving so fast ! And still I am procrastinating hehehe! I should be making advance reading for our subjects in the comprehensive exam ahead of our review next month but here I am putting off my plan to read books hahay!

We heard that in Ateneo MBA, taking comprehensive exam is more difficult than writing thesis, professors will really make students' life more miserable by giving a gruelling exam. So I really have to prepare :-) 

Last Saturday, I met my MBA classmates at Ateneo, we have to submit one copy of our transcript of records to the SBG (school of business and governance division) office before we could take the exam so we went there to file a request.

We also got our grades from our last semester subjects and so happy to have a higher grade in strategic management! This is one of the most difficult subjects in the MBA, with all the stress and tension to undergo and a strategic planning paper to do, having a higher grade is such a big accomplishment.

So now I am very inspired :-P I am confident I could land a good job after graduation, I am fervently hoping all my aspirations in life will finally come true this year.

Okay now I got myself busy writing again haha! I will start studying next week, promise hehehe :-D so while waiting for my boredom to subside, I will have to write anything that comes to my mind now.

Last night while blogwalking (to different sites), I read this very interesting post of an Indian blogger, it's all about 20 Things you want to know about her, I was so fascinated with her post that I immediately made my own version too haha!

1. Typically I am a girl...
     because I love the color Pink!

2. My greatest crush is....
    Direck Lino Cayetano. He has this very poetic set of eyes that seem lurking when he smile. He is very intelligent and smart.

3. I like guys....
   Who are incredibly smart, intelligent and determined and vain hehe! I like guys who know how to take care of themselves, you know the physical appearance stuff of grooming, cleaning nails, keeping everything neat all the time. I am easily attracted to someone who is a good conversationalist, someone who talks about delicate and complicated topics. I like to ask questions and if he can quickly answer my inquiries and my curiosity, wow that's great!!!

4. My typical day starts with...
   A full breakfast. I don't want to miss breakfast because this is the most important meal of the day.

5. My night ends with...
   A rosary. I always make sure I pray the rosary every night.

6. I hate...
    Bars,disco houses and all sorts of night life, cigarettes, liquors and Kate Middleton hehe! :-P

7. I admired...
    Warren Buffet (because Steve Jobs is now gone). His brilliant investing strategies are some of the most successful techniques in the world of business. Hope  to learn from these techniques.

8. I am obsessed with....
   blogging!It's my way of relieving tension and anxiety of everyday life.

9. Hope to find more time....
   Cooking and baking! I love experimenting recipes. And Jogging too, my belly is bulging!!Hope to trim down a bit before summer hehe!

10. When I am sad or just idling in my room, I would...
    Re-watched the episodes of ROSWELL and LEGEND OF THE SEEKER..my two favorite TV series!

11. I dreamed to own...
    A small house with a beautiful garden and lots of glass windows.

12. I am collecting...
    Books about monarchy, world wars and biography of famous people.

13. My idea of a relaxing getaway....
    Taking a roadtrip somewhere and laying in the beach at sunset, listening to the splashing of the waves, waiting for the dusk to come.

14. I can get mad, really mad when...
    People started pushing me to a guy not my type. Yucks! My mood would really turn 180 degrees to hell and would make me vomit in disgust. It is something I find very repulsive and stupid.

15. I wish I could...
   Get married and have kids haha!

16. One hint that I like a person...
    When I love talking and when I would be communicating non-stop and when I felt very comfortable.

17. I hardly go outside without...
    Putting on facial cream with SPF at least 20. Having an umbrella even without rain. Heat of the sun is so harsh now and I want to protect my skin from photo aging :-)

18. When I have money and given a chance to splurge, I would...
   Buy kitchen wares, cooking materials, blouses, sandals, bags, a wallet and MacAir :-D

19. I wish I could learn...
   French and Italian languages!Hope to learn these languages before I turn 50 hehehe!

20. If I could live life all over again, I would...
   Take masters early on, get a great job and take my parents into a leisure trip around the country and abroad.


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