Intersection of my Dreams
After so many years of making myself safe, refusing to take risks and just taking slow steps of my journey, I finally reached to a point where I have to think hardly about where I should be heading to reach the intersection of my dreams. I'd lived a life of a crap, you know that stuff when you seemed forever welded in one corner unable to figure out what to do with your boring existence, everyday really sucks, but now, yeah, I felt the momentum, the energy, the excitement and all those fascinating ideas of discoveries. So far I had realized two of my earnest wishes in life. I'd finished my masters degree and traveled abroad for leisure! I felt lucky enough to accomplish those dreams without an anchor except prayers and strong determination. Now, I will be taking another challenge, another risk for the sake of another dream---to join the corporate world. Yeah! Ever since I was a teenager I always wanted to work in the real world, real field. You maybe wondering why...