The Essence of Generosity

I just attended (with Juvy) the Christmas party of Beauche International Dealers at Grand Menseng Hotel last December 17, 2011 (4:00-8:00pm) and very amazed with the unique generosity of the company's CEO, Mrs. Che De Los Reyes, she is also the incumbent mayor of Carmen, Bohol, such a very inspiring woman.

It was a fantastic gathering of the beautiful people of Beauche. The function hall was turned into a magical environment of glitters swathed in pink and crystals. They hired a disc jockey to handle the program. The "sinag tala" dancers entertained us. The search for Mr. and Miss Beauche highlighted the party.  I and Juvy were both amazed on how kind and generous Mrs. De Los Reyes is, because aside from the fact that the event had no registration fee (just imagine the tag price per head in a hotel reception, there were more or less 150 guests), everyone who attended received fantastic give aways, lots of home appliances were given in a raffle draw.
Dinner time
My dinner that evening consists of rice, fish fillet, tuna with pepino, potato salad, fetuccine carbonara and one small bowl of nido soup!I am not on a diet..haha!

When the CEO delivered her welcome address, I was fascinated with the way she reaped her success. She mentioned that she did not finish college, but with perseverance, hard work and strong faith in God, she defied conventions and climbed to the top.

She emphasized the value of being generous, that when people practiced generosity in their lives, countless blessings will just pour in unexpectedly. So I thought of the few generous people I encountered in my life and noticed how much they are blessed with so many things in life, seems success is easier for them to achieve. Kindness and generosity are two inseparable traits, one is impossible with out the other, thus, people who are generous are those people who have the kindest heart too and I am glad I'd met so many generous people in my life.

Generosity allows you to see God in action, that's the very essence of it, and generosity is the number one trait a true Christian should possess. I'm glad there are some people in my circle whom I know are super generous!Thank you.

Lose yourself in generous service

and every day can be a most unusual day,

a triumphant day, an abundantly rewarding day.

- William Arthur Ward



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