
Breaking the Spell

Maybe I am too engrossed watching Legend of the Seeker series on DVD and could not get over with the magic and charm of adventure and fantasy but right now it seemed there's a part of me that has been released from the "spell" that incarcerated my system for the past years, a spell that almost destroy my self confidence and my self-worth and now finally it is lifted. It's just so funny to think but "spell", "magic", "tricks" we only heard from fantasy adventure stories can be so real at times. It seems we are bounded by a certain form of "spell" that made us to live as if somebody is controlling us, somebody is manipulating us and during those times that we are under this state we are unable to separate reasons from sentiments because we're so stupid to believe that what we currently see or feel is real but when that spell is lifted everything becomes very clear. But of course life is a journey and with this, comes m

Legend of the Seeker

Promotional Poster of Legend of the Seeker My mind is at peace now, thank God! I passed my comprehensive exam and filed an application for graduation last April 8.  Now, I am sorting things out, contemplating, pondering with my fate, mapping plans, making up my mind where to go after graduation. I am eager to explore the world and ready to give up my comfort zone to take more challenging things in life. After the toxic weeks of taking comprehensive exam, finally I can rest my tired brain and body with nothing to think about except where to go this summer hehe! Last April 9 (since it was a holiday), I checked my DVD collection and noticed the first season of the Legend of the Seeker . This is quite funny  because I had this DVD two years ago but had no time to watch it. So after taking my lunch, I immediately pulled my laptop and started my series marathon :-D Legend of the Seeker is a fantasy adventure genre and loosely based on the Sword of Truth book written by T

My Birthday This Year!

Last April 3, Wednesday, was my birthday. Well, it's not really a grand thing to me, everytime my birthday arrives I just treat it as a very ordinary day just like the rest of the days in a year. I hate throwing a celebration or treating people to a meal because it's too stressful and costly, I prefer to celebrate it privately.   But one thing I truly treasured during my birthday is the shower of affection from the people in my circle. Birthday greeting is one. I find it very touching and sweet. I am so grateful some of my friends always remember my birthday even without reminding them hehe! It's an indication that they valued and loved me unconditionally. One of my sweetest and closest friends in life who is like a sister to me is Helen Montero . she is so wonderful, a true friend in the real sense of the word. I am always touch with her unique kindness. She is now working in United Arab Emirates  but every year when my birthday comes, she never fail to gi

Life is absolutely fantastic

I'd never felt such heavy emotions in my life only these past few weeks. Lots of emotional encounter happened, from my frustrating comprehensive exams to a bickering showdown with a friend who never valued me "pala" as a friend, well, at least I knew it finally. But life is absolutely fantastic and wonderful to be wasted on crap things. One thing I love about my personality is the way I handled stress and agonizing situations. Ever since in my life I never let ugly things intervene my happy dispositions. I just treated every bad encounter as part of personal growth, part of being human. Pain and sufferings are normal, it makes life worth living, it makes me able to sort out things logically. I am quite used to pain and sufferings so I have this very balanced view about my existence and my environment and I hope I could use it to my best advantage. I am tough enough to face tribulations in the future. Whatever happens, I know God is always there for me to guide


It's the first week of April! Things did not go as I planned but that's God's well and I have no right to protest or complain but I am confident everything happens for a reason and whatever reason it is I know it's for my own good, no one can go against God's wishes, He knows what's best for us :-) But I am soaring high, full of hope and inspired more to dream big things in life. I am super excited with what's coming in the next few months and praying hard I can finally get what I want in life. Yesterday, while updating my diary entries in my laptop, I was surprised how I'd undergone several mishaps in the last few weeks, how I'd bounced back from humiliation and realized important things I need to accomplish. I finally made up my mind to explore the other side of the universe. I know I am capable of doing it. Tomorrow is another day, life is great to be wasted on useless things. God is so good all the time!

Fierce Episode

A fiercely horrifying conversation that was blown out of a proportion. I never thought I would experience such humiliating encounter again and hear those vilifying and disparaging attack I already suffered more than three years ago. It happened all because of misinterpreting  the real context of the conversation. But it's too useless to press my point. It's useless especially if you won't be heard fairly, because all they do is allow anger to reign.  So I just lift it to God. I maintained my position on the issue, I did not slander their community. What I was expressing was my honest observation that "that" preacher seemed like "tiptoeing" into the other side of the ministry. It's not a remote possibility because most preachers now are creating their own group or community and established their own style of evangelical mission. These preachers insisted they are Catholics but what confuses me is their actuations. Why creating a group when there

His Holiness, Pope Francis: New Inspiration!

Long Live Pope Francis! His election surprised everyone, including me, I thought the Cardinal Electors would choose someone younger as advanced age was the center of Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, resignation, not knowing that this person as a Cardinal has a remarkable background and inspiring lifestyle. A day after he was elected, the official site of the Vatican published a detailed story about his life and why he chose to reign under the mystical name of Francis. It was only then that I understood why God allowed him to win the Papal election. The Conclave follows a very sacred process of casting votes with a severe punishment given to those who will be caught divulging details of the conclave, it's the best-kept secret process of the centuries old existence of the Catholic Church and Vatican Palace, known with its legendary secrecy, made sure no one will eavesdrop at the sacred deliberation. Each Cardinal elector will be under oath before God and the Holy Bible upon e