Counting my Blessings!

God is so good!He delays things but He never forget :-) 

I know from the deepest part of my soul that I am destined for something greater and bigger, that God allows every circumstance to take place to help me find my perfect place in this world. He is the only one who can see the true longing of my heart. 

With that, I am truly grateful. Thank you God for the gift of life, for allowing me to see another day, for keeping me and my family safe all the time

I'll say prayers also to the people who have been suffering from all sorts of disasters and violence in every corner of the world, protect them, bring them to your consoling embrace, grant them peace and serenity. Zamboanga, Syria, Egypt and other regions and nations have been battered by insurgencies recently, my sympathy and compassion go with the people affected.

Yesterday I received a forwarded text message from a friend:

"The deepest level of worship is praising God despite of pain...Thanking Him during trial... Trusting Him when tempted...and loving him when He seems distant....God is real no matter what you feel"...

It softened my heart and inspired my spirit...

Yes, it's true, often times we loved to complain, we moaned when a slight problem and discomfort crawl in, we expressed disappointment when a certain prayer is not answered...because by nature we abhor sufferings, we detested pain...we forget that there are people in other parts of the world who experienced torment beyond imagination, whose sufferings are more intense and severe than us..

It's time to change our views about life, about our existence...Life itself is a gift and everyday when we wake up and see the beautiful sunrise or hear the spattering of the rain, God already performs a great miracle.

Yes, I am happy and very grateful that I am safe and healthy amidst chaos and inconvenience in the world. So I don't have to complain, I don't have to mope why a certain vision was not materialize, why I always experience rejection. That's way beyond my control, there's nothing I can do about it. All I have to do is focus on my self, on the things I should be doing and count my blessings.

Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses. (Ecclesiastes 3:1-11)

I know God has a better plan for me, larger than what I've been expecting. He is a big God, bigger than my problem and worries.

"Where we are is where God wants us to be. No "ifs", no "buts". If we believe that there's no ifs in God's world, then we can rest assured that where we are right now and how we got here is where God exactly wants us to be". For I know well the plans I have in mind for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

"When God doesn't reveal His plans clearly, maybe He is teaching us something better, something better than clarity".

And with these thoughts, I am confident I can get through with the clutters of life...

Today is just another day, but I don't define it as a frustrating day, it's just a normal day.

Whenever I am in deep emotional trouble or when a certain thing goes badly, I'll have to make the best of the situation by keeping myself...I'll just enjoy the scenery of life...watching the beautiful sunrise, listening to the whistling of the leaves or the spattering of rain, caressing cats, sipping one cup of hot green tea, baking cookies, talking with helps me relieve.

Favourite moment of the day...Afternoon tea break!!
A cup of hot green tea helps me relax

And last weekend was just another relaxing and happy weekend.

We started the morning of Saturday baking cookies, hehe! Our friend, Nening Abendan, came to our place, after spending lunch we went to Violago to be with our kababayans, Marlowe and Nene Soco, we spent two nights there. We had a grand time, making some kakanin and sharing good meals and laughter, yeah it was fun!!
Sweet cookies we baked for Louise and Bebeth Soco!
Everything is just so perfect when I am surrounded with kids
Beautiful Sunday morning!!

I had a wonderful time talking and playing with Marlowe's daughters, Louise and Bebeth...they're so lovely and smart! It's simply liberating and soothing to be with kids, I adored them, it helps me get through the day.

Life is so fantastic!


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